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Joint Attention in Remote Collaboration at University




Dear participant,

Thanks for participating in this survey provided by the Institute of Information Systems and Marketing of the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology in Germany. We would like to kindly ask you to fill out this survey about remote meetings and collaboration at university.

Due to COVID-19, universities had to change from presence modus (lectures, tutorials and meetings took place physically) to remote modus (lectures, tutorials and meetings take place online only). In this study we want to gather insights about how you experienced meetings at university in the remote modus over the last year. Meetings at university range from lectures, tutorials, group assignment meetings, meetings with your supervisor, meetings with friends, etc. In this survey, we focus on group assignment meetings. As part of some lectures or seminars, students are asked to team up and do some assignments, capstone project, mini project, etc. as a team work. To reach this goal, students normally set up meetings and meet each other several times during the semester remotely. In this survey we would like to ask about your experience at these remote group assignment meetings.



From physical meetings to remote meetings